jueves, 24 de enero de 2008
bIOgrapHy AS a HERo
Ernesto Macotela Nava 1180246
Algo Dulce?

Coloca en una copa ancha o refractario una capa de soletas, humedécelas con un poco de vino blanco y del licor de café.
Cubre las soletas con una capa de la mezcla de queso y así sucesivamente hasta formar varias capas y usar todos los ingredientes. Finaliza decorando con los granos de café cubiertos de chocolate, refrigera por 3 horas y sirve frío adornando con unas hojitas de menta.
HERO BIOGRAPHY hector plata
miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008
My Biography
Biography of a Hero
boigrafy of Miguel
My mothers name is Rebeca and my fathers name is Miguel. Everything in my family was very normal like all the other families in the world, but something happened that changed my life forever, when I was five my mother took me to a tae kwon do school, and my teacher saw that I was very talented, I destroyed every opponent that challenged me and they finished on the emergency room. Even I defeated some master of masters that were from twenty to fifty years old.
One day my mother and I were going to buy some fruits and vegetables on the market when suddenly some bad people wanted to take our money away, so I challenge them on a street fight so as they saw me they thought how a little boy is going to defeat us?
And yes!, I defeat them. Since that moment I spent most of my time helping the weak from the bad and abusive people. Yes I am very strong. One day, I was walking in the street when I realized that one shop was being robed. So I entered to that shop, I fight against the bad people and they were arrested. The police was in shock, they had never seen anything like that. One member of the police department offered me a job in the city of Leon Guanajuato, so I moved to that city and I lived there fighting for the good of everyone for 3 years, in that city I lived the most wonderful days of my life, then the city of Toluca wanted my services so now I am living here and also I am preparing for being even better studying in Tec de Monterrey.
The Story of a Super Hero

The story of a hero
Levi started gained important territory in national politics affairs; hence he was easily elected president of Mexico in 2030.
He persecuted and imprisoned every corrupt senator or politician involved in crimes, moreover he invested all the money in education; and dismissed all inefficient employees. With the time the culture in Mexico was changing and started to convert into a World power country.
It was just a matter of time before Mexico absorbs US powerful, recovering lost territories and claiming itself as the most important country in the world. Unfortunately in 17 April of 2040 Levi was murderer by a crazy American; however he left us an enormous Empire based in peace, happiness and work.
Biography From Akire to Earth
When Erika was a kid she liked to swim, practice tae kwon do and to play with her friends 9 years later the likes and dislikes of this akirean girl started to change , she was becoming a teenager , she liked to dance go to nightclubs, go to concerts, partying she loved to eat cookies., but most important she start liking boys at the age of 17 she met her 1st love nobody knows how he was called, all that is known is that he was a junkie man. She was becoming an ordinary akirean girl when something really important happened that changed her way of life. She started having `premonitory dreams she didnt know what was happening with her she though “ oh oh im just having strange dreams nothing extraordinary “ and she didnt pay attention to it. Every night she dreamed the same , she dreamt with people she didn’t know with a planet who was about to be destroyed Erika was very scared, so she talk to her friend Ludy . Ludy told her it is not strange …. It is normal… Erika was confused so she asked her normal??? Why?? Ludy answered her Ludy told her that being junkie was affecting her. So Erika decided to stop being junkie because she wanted the strange dreams to stop.
But the dreams never stop Erika was very confused so she decided to talk to her parents , her parent explained why se was having dreams that seemed like nightmares because she was chosen by their gods to save earth And that’s how Erika discovered that she was not a normal akirean but a heroine, she dreamt with planet Earth because her mission was to save this planet. By this time Erika had 40 yrs old she was considered to be very wise because of her experience.
When Erika came to earth she noticed that she was 10 years younger, and that she was able to control the 4 elements water, fire, air, and wind also she was capable to abduce anyone who were against the salvation of earth.
Erika saved the world of many catastrophic accients. For example she stoped 3 tsunamis and 6 earthquakes but her biggest challenge was when she had to stop the development of naziz nuclear weapons.
At the end she could save earth and she returned to her home place all akireans well received her with parties, fest… etc.
Two years later she married her junkie man and together they were the happier couple in the whole universe.
All my adventure started in my 1st birthday… i was 2 months and my parents decided to give me an Elmo. I loved it as much as my life. But one day… we were on the Pacific Ocean on vacations and a terrible shark named Flipper stole my Elmo… when we return home i depressed almost for a month! … And I couldn’t stand that Flipper had my Elmo. So I decided to go after him and get my Elmo back. When I explained my parents my plans they laughed at me and told me no to say stupid things… so I get terribly mad and that night I escaped from my house.
After 2 days swimming all by myself I found a group of turtles. One of them was really charming and kind and we became friends’ immediately. I told him my story and Bolingüino decided to help me finding my Elmo. He thought me something very important, that everyone who always fights for its goals will achieve them. This was everything I had on my mind for almost 2 months.
Days passed by and I kept discovering new things about me… some good one and some other not that much. One day, I discovered that I could seduce people only with one look. So… this could be my course or my gift.
Bolingüino had so many friends! One of them was an eagle, she was Monopolia, and she turned out to be a great friend and she always helped us when swimming in the surface.
Finally, after so many time swimming, we found Flipper’s guard. He wasn’t inside so this was a piece of cake… we entered into his cave and I saw my Elmo! I swam as fast as I could to reach it. But in a blink Flipper appeared and we started fighting. Bolingüino couldn’t do much because it was my fight, not his. But all of a sudden, I remembered my power… so I looked right in Flipper’s eyes in the moment he was about to eat me! He stopped and he was really admired with my look. So I asked him to give me my Elmo. In spite of my charming look it wasn’t easy to persuade him. But finally he ceded.
Bolingüino was really happy, but we were really far from home, so we called Monopolia and she took us flying home. Flying was a really exciting experience! I felt really free!!
When I arrived home my parents were really worried but in a part they were happy because I had return. And since that moment everyone in the town who wanted to recover something they asked me and I became sort of a heroine in my town…
Edith Dávila Salazar
My Biography
I lived the first 15 years of my life inside the Earth, I felt really lonely, I wanted more! I allways though that there were more people like me, in another part (and I was right! jaja) So, one day I decided to go away, far from everything I knew. I flied and flied until I get there. And saw all the world that I was missing.
When I first got here, I realized something that the people here weren´t able to do many things I do. I’m able to fly and when I get really stressed I can stop the time. I get to know this world , I like it even more, but I also saw all the bad things that happened.
I realized that I got here for a reason, I have to do something against the crime. I stated saving people, and puting the bad ones into jail. This is how I gained the love of the town, and I am really happy about that. Once, I was defeating two thieves that were stealing a candy. One of the men was absolutly gorgeous, I fell in love with him at the second I saw him, but there was a problem, and it doesn’t matter he stole just a candy, he was junkie. But everyday I flied where he lived, just to see him.
One day I was flying down, and I accidentally crashed against him! I was so embarrased, but then I had to go because someone was trying to kill the president. So I told him to meet me at dinner, in a restaurant. After saving the president, I went to the restaurant and we ate, I had such a great time.
After a while that we were going out, he told his secret. He used to be a woman. This secret, almost gave me a heart attack. But I did`t care, because all the love that I had to him/her. And now I am happily married to a thief, junkie, trasgender. But I keep fighting the crime and also my husband/wife.
a super heroine!
Hello, my name is Androshki Osoriux
I was born in a small town in Mexiquee named Metepequeño a May 29.
My family is formed by my mother whose names is Suseine and she has the super power to know that something is wrong when it is even if nobody tells her, she is able to make all things possible and can make things become perfect.
Second we have my father whose name is Lois he is a real hero he has the gift to always protect the family no matter what, however he has a little problem, he can be though and he gets easily mad at anyone who annoys him.
Third, my brother whose name is really original, he receives the same name as my father so you must know by now what is his name, but despite his lack of originality he has really great powers, he is like the love and generosity in a person, then my sister that is as original as my brother, yes her name is Suseine too. She is like my favorite heroin despite she doesn`t have any powerful powers she has the great gift of joy and happiness she always makes me laugh with her jokes, but let`s talk a little bit more about me.
I studied for about 12 years in the sensei school just for talented people as me, I’m not been modest is just is the truth I have the power to fly (on airplanes), I can transform things (at math’s) I can see clearly from far far away (with binoculars) but what I really can do for my own is smile to life and laugh to dead! That`s my super power as a heroine for everyone who wants to be happy! =)
biography of a hero... ERick
he attended to the junior highschool in a city called toluca and there he started to notice his different capacities, he realized he was not like anyother guy. during his spare time he started to experiment and to make proofs with his new abilities. he dicovered the ability of flying. tremenduous force and spiting fire, he even feared to turn into a dragon.
he continued his life with out using his powers for a long time until he had the necesity to save his family and friends from a terrible tragedy. they, were involved in terrifying car accident and the only one who could save them was him. he could not avoid to be seen using his powers by many others. he saved all of his beloved ones and became vary famous and recognized in the whole country. scince that moment he became an urban myth. just his real friends and eve not all of his family knows about him. now, as far as some myth busters know, he dedicates his life to serve as incongito and give a peacefull life for the people but there is no concrete proof about it
until now just the people involved int he accident know about him, but still, no one beliefs in that "hero".
now, he is living in toluca but refuses to tell if he is able to do extraordinary things.
hopefully some day he will uncever him self and present to the world his good feelings and action for seving people.
martes, 22 de enero de 2008
Biography of a Hero ---Abner
By Abner Emmanuel Campuzano Lino
Abner was born in Mexico City on March 3rd 1991 as a normal child. His father’s name was Sergio Campuzano, his mother’s was Silvia Lino and his sister’s Mirza. He lived the first 9 years of his life as a normal child well except that his family moved to the US when he was only 7.
On September 8, 2001 Abner’s family received what was apparently good news; they had won a trip to New York. Immediately after receiving such great news they started to pack. The family arrived at New York on September 10 late at night so they decided to rest for the night and wake up early to visit the twin towers. At approximately 8:40 am they arrived at Tower 1 which 6 minutes later was hit by a plane causing it to collapse and the death of many people including Abner’s family. Abner was the only survivor.
From that day on Abner’s life changed drastically because this experience made something inside him awake and he started to develop special abilities such as being able to read people’s minds and to completely manipulate any person. Abner could have used his abilities to do wrong but he is kind hearted and instead uses them for good things like fighting terrorism and helping police find the right guys. Even till now at the age of 16, now living in Mexico again, he use his powers for good causes and is a very important part of the world and the peace that reigns. He has said that he will dedicate his whole life to fight crime and keep peace over the world. He is a true hero.
My self as a heroin
This story started 17 years ago. A baby girl was born in the endings of the spring, when the wind is freezing but the sky is clear. Many troubles she had, she first showed her foot to the world and she was also trapped in her own umbilical cord. The doctors managed to get her out safely. From that moment, she was a hero, just for the fact of achieving her first enemy, herself. Dalia the name chosen for her. Since that moment, she needed space, freedom and self being, and went on in the world without caring much of the ideas of others. Having an older brother, Jonathan, her mother, Leticia, supposed that this new daughter will be no more difficult than the 1°. But she was quite wrong. Dalia was much more trouble finder than his brother. From the moment she learned how to walk, she began playing and sharing her things with the animals that surrounded her but her fascination for human beings started to grew when she interacted with other of her same size in her first school. There, she played with other kids but still made them respect her space and personality. She used to forget about everything that went on in the morning and only cared about the time to play. Playful as she was, water and wind were her favorite toys. Ernesto, her father, was not at home very often but still took her to many places, visiting the snow, the sand, the forest and the sea. Slowly, she began seeing the world with other eyes: people seemed rather different to her, they had a certain color surrounding them, as light emanating from their inside. She soon, started hearing plenty of noise coming out of no where, apparently. Confused and startled, she began researching about what was going on. After some years, she gave up with no conclusion left. Her biggest friend in those times, Isabel, did no more than support her. Jokes and laughs, the classmates did because not everyday, someone comes with a brilliant “imagination” about hearing things and seeing colors.
She grew up learning to ignore the noise in her head and the colors on other people’s bodies. But 10 years later, after experiencing many deaths of her dear ones, she could ignore what was going on no more. She began to investigate herself by herself and finally found out that the noise was actually the thoughts of the people near her and the colors were actually the kind of “soul” each people have. It took about a year to learn how to use her gift in a way that could be useful. After leaving her house, at the age of 15, she could finally understand the true meaning of a gift: life. Being different from others, made her see the beauties of everything, with out using her powers. Having a power, doesn’t mean to save the world, sometimes you just save yourself or just your love ones. In this case, Dalia saw the type of soul each one had in order to decide if someone was trustful and she read minds to be careful with the situations that seemed more dangerous. From that moment on, she could help others and have an easy life. Of course, her best friends, Natalia, Fer and Lila, helped her with the ethics of the actions about reading minds. Not easy having such powers, that, she can say. The fight never stops, not even the one someone could’ve thought ended. Survival is our goal and we, are our biggest enemies of all.
Super biography
My story of real Heroes
My name is Marisol Priego and I borned in DF. I was a normal girl in what I tought it was a normal world but I discovered later that it wasn’t like that. One day I was in the computer as always I did in the afternoon when suddenly a very weird message came into the computer like a virus or something like that, after that there was a very strange guy telling me that the time has come, told me to be aware of everything the and was close. After that I was really scare and run where my mother was after that I told her everything that happened and she told me all a story of my past.
When I was really young my parents were enroled in a kind of a super league dedicated to fight against crime but they stopped doing that when they thought they defeated all criminals since now.
She also told me that I born with super powers I inherit from them but they weren’t really sure which where those ones so there was my first internal task. With the past of the years since that communication I started learned which where my powers and how to use them in a perfect way my power was a very strange one, I con return to anytime of the past.
When I just managed that power the final Judgment came and my hardest enemy who can be called nemesis was in the head of the movement his name was Chucho the terrible, the warning just came true and all this final day started al people was just sad about it and all they were dying all the destiny of people was in my hands so I decided to return to a very peaceful era and return my eternal love Bob Marley. In the final battle I just came with him and we just started to sing all his peaceful and lovely songs all people started reanimating and coming back to the world all because the people considered that melody a magical one. Once all people in the world was reanimated the battle between my nemesis and me started, but now all the people was in my side because now they could fight.
At the end we just fought and I destroyed him with my own hands so I would be sure he wouldn’t hurt people again.
That is my superhero story now I continue studying in the school my perfect boyfriend Bob Marley is with me and I now used my powers to have fun. All people know me as The Princess of the Time.
**PaUliiNa Gtz PasTraNa** 1104739
My name is: Bill Yoast. I am 23 years old. Even though, I am young I started being a super hero since the age of 9 years! During that time, it was a kind of a big shock for me knowing that I was not as the other people I knew, such as my family and my friends.
***biOgRafia*** ---->GbY D<----
Well as you red before I came to this crazy world thanks to Professor Georgeum and Mrs Amp. I was born in Toluquilla city on September 1, 1991. My creator Georgeum besides working in his lab, works in a company named Consorcio ARA, maybe you have heard about this company. And my mom, she has a very special job, she is something like a tooth fairy the only difference is that she doesn’t leave any money under children’s pillow, whenever she takes children’s tooth out of their mouth she leaves a bill under their parent’s pillow, haha. And their ages? you don’t need to know them.
Believe it or not I used to be normal, the first years of my life I used to be like everyone else around here. But one day in my 3rd birthday I realized that I was a little bit different from others. That day I felt weird, at the beginning I thought I was feeling that way because I was already a big girl. But since that they my life changed, I discover that I had super powers. The firsts weeks were really hard for me, my powers were out of control, I was scared I didn’t want to go to school or play with my friends. I was afraid of telling them what was happening to me, I didn’t want them to look at me like some kind of freak. Nobody knew my secret except of my creators; they knew that life was going to be difficult without any help, so one day they create a fairy that will help me, teach me, and the most important thing, she will be my best friend.( Sister is how I call that beautiful fairy).
My fairy taught me how to use and control my powers. All my life she has been helping me to combat crime in Toluquilla. We have had some rough times, that even a heroine has to pass through, but with the power of love everything can be overcome.
Toluquilla is always saved, thanks to Gby and her fairy!!!
The super me
My name is Alejandro Gutierrez I study at Tec of Monterrey and this is my true story.
I was a normal boy in my hometown
I just walk to de mirror and I really noticed a changes I was like bigger and I had muscles, after that I try to carry a my bed and my surprise was that I could, I have super strength. Then I just went to the school as a “normal” boy. In school a discovered my other powers when I got mad I discover I could move objects and read minds with the power of a super mind when I was again in home alone I wanted to know if I would have any other power and I discovered two more that I could control fire but not generate it and that I could fly trough the winds.
After that I try to have a normal life like all other people but now I had the responsibility to protect ordinary people. I used my powers for the good and I can also use them to have fun or even to have revenge.
Actually I’m just trying to have time but I cant because I always have to fight against all type of crime but I always have to fight against my old nemesis: DR. JP he is my oldest nemesis it is because I stopped his plan to control all the energy of the people to have super football powers so now he want to see me in the ground all dead.
While I was trying to have a normal life I discovered my last power for ladies a can be super “pachoncito”.
My name as a superhero is Mindfreak so if you are sometimes in troble I will be there in a second.
the heroic Gretel Uribe!
I was born on May the 4th of 1980 in the woods of Metepec, called Sedagro. That day a very special guitar melody surged from an apple tree of our garden, but nobody could explain how or why.
I grew up with my parents and my sister. Since I was very little, I was very interested in music, and loved the nature.
One day, when I woke up, I found an electric guitar in front of me, with a very mysterious note on it, which said that adversity was to come, but there was someone that with the help of music could prevent a lot of misery. At first, I couldn’t understand what it meant.
That night, an apple on the apple tree of my garden told me that the note was a call for me to go and take care of nature by playing music, as I had the power of calming people or stopping disasters by playing that special guitar. Then she said she’d be my guide, her name was Annz.
I had to leave home, my family and all I had planned to do to follow this new mission. That was very hard for me, although the hardest part was the amount of obstacles I had to pass before being ready, because I had to learn how to play the guitar and control my powers, while fighting with hunters and depredators. Nevertheless, Annz was always there to tell me what to do.
However, the worst was yet to come. One day, the evil governor announced that he would destroy Sedagro, with all its habitants, and build a casino. I knew it was the moment of using my powers.
I formed a rock band with a group of voluntaries, and we planned a massive concert in Sedagro, so the government couldn’t start their destruction. A radio station named Neurótica 102.1 fm helped us to get together as much people as possible.
The day the government was going to start the destruction, we arrived earlier to talk with the governor as I thought that speaking we could arrive to an agreement, but they almost sent me to jail. I managed to escape flying, as Annz the apple had wings.
Finally the concert started, and I started playing the guitar. Suddenly, everyone got happy and the governor stopped boddering us. At the end of the day, we had saved the woods.
I returned very proud and happy with my family to tell them what I had learned and passed, and I introduced Annz to them. However, I was not going to stay with them any more as I had known my true love, the singer of the band we had just formed. His name is Hansel, and has powers too.
We got married a year later, and from that day on we travel all around the world saving woods, jungles and all the natural reserves we can. Of course we always go from one place to another flying, with the help of Annz.
The End
Me as a hero yeah!! ANAIS CASTILLO!
My name is Anais Castillo Robles,I was born in December 30th 1990, in Durango, Mexico. I always loved animals, dancing was my passion and I only hoped for magic to come to my life.
When I was 8 years old, I was bitten by a scorpion, it was the biggest bug I had ever seen, I remember my friends and I were looking for some fur traders that had killed my raccoon, when I saw them hurting it I got so angry I suppose that attracted the scorpion, they say they are of strong temper I don’t really know. After this, a little scar appeared in my forearm, when I got angry it bothered me, I just couldn’t forget it was there.
A few years later, my family and I moved to Sonora, to the desert, there I met a good and unusual animal..a sheep, the thing is that this sheep talked, nobody could believe me, but I knew it she talked and her name was Gretel, by this time I was 12 years old, I remember telling her how excited I was to go to the special college of arts there in Sonora, and became a professional dancer, I never thought I would have to change all of this.
From this time on, Gretel the sheep and I became best friends, we went everywhere together, I loved touching her soft fur, it was so special, in my town everyone wanted to kill her and make some warm clothes with her, but I still could not forget my raccoon and the horrible way it was killed. Weeks later, some fur traders arrived to our place and asked my parents if we had some animal to sell with a good and useful fur, they said we owned the prettiest sheep in the town, so they asked to see it, of course I wouldn’t allow this they would kill my best friend if I didn’t do anything, so I took my sheep, some food and started my journey to free my sheep.
One night, I had a very weird dream, where my raccoon talked to me and said that my mission was to rescue the animals that were trapped, the scorpion venom that was in my veins would give me the strength enough to do this, so I started in Chihuahua, were I knew the fur traders would go, by this time, my sheep was no longer a sheep it had transformed in a very nice and beautiful curly girl. She became my guide, and gave me a magical pillow, that told me in my dreams everything that I wanted to know and was annoying my heart. The next day we arrived to the place were lots of animals suffered in cages, almost 200 hundred animals waited there for a horrible death, like my raccoon, I remember we entered the place, and I saw a young boy in a cage too, he was with a wolf, the space was very little for the both of them, Gretel and me didn’t lose time, my pillow had told me where I could find the objects I needed to free them, it said I would find a treasure, but the quest wasn’t easy some of the traders woke up and hit me, but I was able to get rid of him, I don’t know how, but he was lying unconscious on the floor, lots of men arrived, and we freed the animals, as soon as the boy was out, he fought the traders with an ability I had never seen giving the animals a chance to escape. Later on, and well hidden he told us his name was Alejandro and was sold to pay his parents debt, I couldn’t stand it he was so nice, and so handsome, we fall in love. I was 16 by this time.
I knew it was time to return with my family, so we did, Alejandro, Gretel and me. On January 4th of 2007 I returned to my home in Sonora, my parents were so glad to see me and asked who my friends were, they took Gretel as a daughter and Alejandro asked me to marry him, I knew it was too soon for me, I had plans, I had dreams but so did he. We decided to marry on February 14th 2007 I married my true love, a few weeks later both of us entered the college of special arts in Sonora. We never heard of the killers again, at least the north was safe.
The Story of a real heroe
Me as a hero - SupernNeOo!
Noemi Millán Velázquez
My name is Noemi some call me Naomi but as hero I have this secret name nNeOo! I’m part of the new generation of heroes we come from the sky. I fell from the red sky no one can hurt me physically and that’s why I don’t wear special outfit because everybody knows me and like me since I fight crime and help a lot of people, that’s my job the only thing that I live for to be a hero, I travel around the world and other worlds my color is red I have amazing powers that I’ve discovered from fighting with some evil creatures that want to destroy other heroes and normal people in each world that I go I receive help from friends of that world, like once I went and visit my friend jack he’s very famous for making that film nightmare before Christmas and I was there to support him and it go well. But then one day sally’s father the doctor wanted to kill her because she loved jack so jack and me saved sally from his terrible father and then we escaped to the Christmas town but when I turned around they were not so I figured out that no one can travel with me just help me. I spent a lot of time with Clark in Smallville fighting a lot of criminals and I met this justice league guys, I wanted to join them and stay but I was jealous about Lana so I decided to leave. And like that I’ve been in a lot of worlds I just appear wherever I have to help people and once I’ve done my job I go to another but then I met this guy Sebastian he’s Canadian and has a band and we fell in love and got married so that made me a normal person I can’t visit cool worlds anymore I can’t meet those people and characters and all but love was totally worth it because I know there are many heroes out there to help them and so I think a hero’s greatest weakness is love but I still can help a lot of people here and act like a hero specially to my family and now to my son Little Sebby that is going to be a hero too.
When my parents discovered my super powers they decided to move from Chakaville to Superville, where we found many schools that taught all the gifted how to control their super powers to avoid being controlled by them. I attended classes at the Argos Power Control Center. There, I discovered that, not only I could read minds, but also I could fly and become invisible.
The first time I became invisible was a very funny experience and very stressful because I didn`t know how to return to be visible. This allowed me to play a lot of jokes, like entering the cafeteria and taking food and candies, I also frightened many people that were alone and things in the room were moving. Looking all these faces was very funny, but when Margot (the principal of the APCC) knew about my jokes she started to shout at me and I became visible again, so I was punished because of those little jokes.
At the end, at APCC, the most precious gift I was given, was to learn how to manage all my super powers on the benefit of my fellowmen, helping people to be happier.
By: Laura Jimenez
One September starry night, she realized the great moment for the one she has been waiting for nine months was about to arrive. They weren’t nervous; everything has been already planned months before.
-Are you nervous? - asked him.
-No, not really, but everything seems so quiet, I’ve never seen the woods as peaceful as this night.
He thought the same, but didn’t care much. The only thing he wanted was arriving to the hospital and has his baby on his arms.
-It seems like a new road…I mean I don’t remember had seeing this before…Are you sure we are going in the right direction?
-Hmm... Sure; this is the same road, but you’re right looks different.
-I don’t think I will make it… the baby is coming! Just stop the car!
He parked the car and saw 100 meters away a little cottage with the lights on. He took her on the cottage and found a kind old woman. The old woman never said a word, though; she helped her get the baby out.
In the very right moment the baby was born, it started raining and a thunder was heard. Her parents told the story again and again; they thought it was special, just as her. Since she was a baby, she was really intelligent for her age, but what really stunned her parents was when she was ten.
One morning, she was playing with her little kindergarten friends. She was the princess who should be rescued from a horrible monster. She was in the top of the house tree when she missed a step and fell down. Everyone was amazed when they saw the little girl could actually float.
When she and her mom got home, the old lady who helped her born was there.
-Can I help you? Her mom asked
-No, you can’t but your daughter can- Said the old lady
-How come? She’s so young!
-No, mom, I’m ready- Said the little girl
-What?- Her mom said angrily- Did you know about that?
-Kind of, I’ve been having weird dreams about this day… And, I think I’m ready, I have a mission; humanity depends on me…
Biography of a true Hero Nat Ríos
“At the end of the day, just being able to get up is accomplishment enough, worthy of a hero”.
Natalia Ríos Ramírez was born in Mexico City on May 24, 1990. She is the child of Blanca Margarita Ramírez, a well respected teacher at Tec’s high school, and Jesús Manuel Ríos, in charge of FIFOMI’s offices management at Toluca. She also has two brothers. Mariana Ríos, who is also a teacher and an entrepreneur. Daniel Ríos, he works at IXE bank as a financial assessor of private debt. Natalia also has a French Poodle, named Peluzo, she loves him very much and they been friends for 10 years.
But what is a hero without her loyal and best friends, Natalia’s best friends are: Alejandra Valdés, Daniela and Genis Reyes Monroy and Dalia Astudillo López. Her best friends have helped her through rough and good times. And as in the 2007 interview of Warner Channel: “I honestly don’t know where I would be without my family and my friends”.
Now let’s move to a more boring topic, her education. She began studying at the age of three years old (kinder garden) at the age of six she entered the elementary school at Argos, where she spent a good childhood, she also did at Argos her Junior High and in her third year she applied to Tec’s high school program. She got a scholarship and right now she is cursing her second high school year.
Now it comes the great thing about this biography, why Natalia gets to be called a hero? Well, at the age of six years old she realized she could make and control fire. She was very scared since she was little but with the passing of time she got to control her ability and use it whenever she wanted to.
In 2002 there was a great fire at Galerias Metepec, a shopping mall, to save the people inside the building Natalia concentrated and forced the fire to dissolve. Of course she did this act anonymously, she was afraid people would use her as a guinea pig and she was afraid she would never be accepted by her society.
Soon she trusted her four best friends, and they didn’t let her down. They in fact encouraged her to use her ability to do more good, and so in a winter night of 2005 she decided to help people of Toluca and sometimes people of Metepec.
Since then Toluca became a safer place, no more fires and thieves sometimes turned up in the police station with little burns. Nowadays people from Toluca has a special signal to call Natalia for help it’s the (fire alchemist signal)
Nowadays, she lives in Toluca still in her parent’s house; in her last interview with Warner Channel she stated that besides the encouragement of her friends, US series, such as: Smallville, Grey’s Anatomy, Criminal Minds; help her as an incentive to fight crime. Let’s hope this hero doesn’t disappear in thick air.
*** The End***