Hi, my name's Joel, and I was born on planet Earth, my story starts when I was 4 years old, when my powers started developing, see, all started when I was starting to read, and suddenly the letters started to become blurry, kind of like when you try to see with your eyes covered with water, so I started crying, and my sister heard me and when she came and touched me, I disappeared....or I thought so. I didnt know what happened and well my sister started to scream hysterically , all I remember is seeing her , I was standing next to her, but she couldn't see me, that was how I discovered I could become invisible, I suddenly became visible to my sister again and well, she got much more scared, time passed and me and my sister had a secret, we didn't tell my mom. When I was 10 I remember that my other powers emerged, I was eating with my family when I suddenly started hearing voices, I looked at my family and told them to shut up because my head started to hurt, but no one was talking, and when some objects started to fly through the air we freaked out.. that was how I discovered my mind reading and object-moving abilities, and to be sincere, it is something really embarrassing, to know what people think, but well... after some time, I also discovered that I had the ability to fly and to control matter and then I decided to use those powers for the benefit of humankind, ...and then it happened. One day this strange figures emerged form the sky, at first people thought they were seeing angels, but when those things started attacking people, everyone thought we were doomed, but I knew what I had to do and started fighting these creatures, after defeating them and learning that they go through the Universe attacking people I now dedicate my life to save all the Universe of these and many other creatures that seek to end all human life in the Universe.
By: Joel Contreras
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