jueves, 24 de enero de 2008

bIOgrapHy AS a HERo

First of all my name is Ernesto Macotela Nava better known as “Mako”, descendant of the Macotela family from Torreón and the Nava family from the fertile lands of Valle de Bravo. My story begins in a sunny day, it was 28 of september of 1987; if you are interested in details I born in a city called "Chiluca" (because it is between the "chinga.... and Toluca"), I suffered many diseases in my first days of life, doctors told my parents that all of that sicknesses do not have any explanation, they thougth that I will die early but they did not thougth about an extra spicy chilies that my mom ate when she was pregnant, she received it from my grandfather and he received it from one of his friends that believes that heroes exist and he can create a race of it. I survived and my life continued, when I was 14 I began to study in Tec, but also to play soccer in the representative team and here is when my life change, I discovered my powers. In one of my trainings my super coach Mac "The Magnificent" send me and all members of my team to run in the Alameda 2000, I fell down in the lake and when I got out of it and went to my home I discovered that I can eat as many tacos as you can wish, also that I can make people laugh; since that day I saved the life of many people, maybe you can ask me how you saved others life? And I will answer I saved you life from the indigestion and the bitterness. Since that day my life changed and nowadays I continue doing it and I am so happy to help our community.
Ernesto Macotela Nava 1180246

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