martes, 22 de enero de 2008

Me as a hero - SupernNeOo!

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Noemi Millán Velázquez

My name is Noemi some call me Naomi but as hero I have this secret name nNeOo! I’m part of the new generation of heroes we come from the sky. I fell from the red sky no one can hurt me physically and that’s why I don’t wear special outfit because everybody knows me and like me since I fight crime and help a lot of people, that’s my job the only thing that I live for to be a hero, I travel around the world and other worlds my color is red I have amazing powers that I’ve discovered from fighting with some evil creatures that want to destroy other heroes and normal people in each world that I go I receive help from friends of that world, like once I went and visit my friend jack he’s very famous for making that film nightmare before Christmas and I was there to support him and it go well. But then one day sally’s father the doctor wanted to kill her because she loved jack so jack and me saved sally from his terrible father and then we escaped to the Christmas town but when I turned around they were not so I figured out that no one can travel with me just help me. I spent a lot of time with Clark in Smallville fighting a lot of criminals and I met this justice league guys, I wanted to join them and stay but I was jealous about Lana so I decided to leave. And like that I’ve been in a lot of worlds I just appear wherever I have to help people and once I’ve done my job I go to another but then I met this guy Sebastian he’s Canadian and has a band and we fell in love and got married so that made me a normal person I can’t visit cool worlds anymore I can’t meet those people and characters and all but love was totally worth it because I know there are many heroes out there to help them and so I think a hero’s greatest weakness is love but I still can help a lot of people here and act like a hero specially to my family and now to my son Little Sebby that is going to be a hero too.

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