martes, 22 de enero de 2008

The Story of a real heroe

Once upon a time there was a city called Tollocan, were people adore and fear god Tollotzin. At that time, the city was full of corruption, violence and anger between people. But there was a family who believed in the ideals of justice and happiness between the people of Tollocan, the leader of the family was Hugo Sanchez (not the soccer player) and his wife was Ofelia. They had a child, and they named him Hugo Cesar. Hugo Cesar grew up with the same ideals of his parents and learned lot of life lessons in great adventures. His first master was Uncle Charles.
Soon he realized his destiny, he was the chosen one to make people of Tollocan to life peaceful and in harmony. At the age of 17 he went outside his country in order to learn more secrets of human, nature and superpowers. He arrived to Nagaoka, a meeting place for the greatest master of the force. Hugo C. was assigned to master Taku, there he learned amazing powers, and secrets of the force, he never surrender and later he gained a great cosmos. Hugo C. returned home as a great modern knight with a special armor. Hugo felt the obligation to destroy all the bad in his city and he investigated who was the creator of the situation.
Then he realized that he had to defeat god Tollotzin in order to bring peace. He go to the temple of Tollotzin and he persuaded Tollotzin to fight against him. They fought in the space, where anything is possible. God Tollotzin almost killed Hugo C. but Hugo remembered that he would never surrender and the words of Daniela -“You’re the only one, do it”.
That is how Hugo defeated Tollotzin elevating his cosmos to the infinite. The peace and justice was established in Tollocan, and Hugo C. lived forever in history.

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