martes, 22 de enero de 2008

My dream, my mission
by Diana Karen Navarro Nolasco

One September starry night, she realized the great moment for the one she has been waiting for nine months was about to arrive. They weren’t nervous; everything has been already planned months before.

-Are you nervous? - asked him.
-No, not really, but everything seems so quiet, I’ve never seen the woods as peaceful as this night.

He thought the same, but didn’t care much. The only thing he wanted was arriving to the hospital and has his baby on his arms.

-It seems like a new road…I mean I don’t remember had seeing this before…Are you sure we are going in the right direction?
-Hmm... Sure; this is the same road, but you’re right looks different.
-I don’t think I will make it… the baby is coming! Just stop the car!

He parked the car and saw 100 meters away a little cottage with the lights on. He took her on the cottage and found a kind old woman. The old woman never said a word, though; she helped her get the baby out.

In the very right moment the baby was born, it started raining and a thunder was heard. Her parents told the story again and again; they thought it was special, just as her. Since she was a baby, she was really intelligent for her age, but what really stunned her parents was when she was ten.

One morning, she was playing with her little kindergarten friends. She was the princess who should be rescued from a horrible monster. She was in the top of the house tree when she missed a step and fell down. Everyone was amazed when they saw the little girl could actually float.

When she and her mom got home, the old lady who helped her born was there.

-Can I help you? Her mom asked
-No, you can’t but your daughter can- Said the old lady
-How come? She’s so young!
-No, mom, I’m ready- Said the little girl
-What?- Her mom said angrily- Did you know about that?
-Kind of, I’ve been having weird dreams about this day… And, I think I’m ready, I have a mission; humanity depends on me…

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